If you want to be more persuasive and achieve your business and personal goals more easily you couldn’t be in a better place!

There are people who are incredibly persuasive. What’s more, it comes easily and naturally to them. They know how to get people to follow their ideas and they are master communicators. How do they do that? Here you have a handful of tips.


Create a win-to-win situation

First of all, you need to keep in mind that persuasion is the art of getting people to do things that can benefit us and, at the same time, are in their own best interest. You should never try to do the opposite. When you want someone to take an action, such as support an initiative, approve a budget, buy from you or be your client, you need to illustrate your message with a story that makes the point you are trying to get across. Communicate your ideas clearly and put a spotlight on what others really care about.



Being in the right place at the right time often helps to achieve a success in persuasion.

 Be in the right place at the right time 

Another thing is that there must be the right timing and context to persuade someone. The first step is to identify those people that at a given time are persuadable to your point of view and focus all your energy and attention on them. It’s vital to listen to people and follow up. You can’t discount any possible person that might be persuadable, so don’t assume anything. Someone who didn’t need your service or product a year ago might need them now as their situation has changed and currently they might have different needs.

Consequently, it pays off to be persistent. If you are willing to keep asking for what you want and keep demonstrating its value, the chances are you will achieve your goal. Don’t go overboard though. If you see that someone gets annoyed or seems to be totally unpersuadeable just move on and don’t waste your time. There are plenty of other opportunities worth your effort and attention.


Good listeners have an advantage 

If your intention is to persuade someone you also have to learn how to talk to people about themselves. Avoid the trap of talking about yourself. We all love to focus on our own lives when having a conversation. However, if you want to capture people’s attention and hold it, it’s absolutely necessary to ask questions and let them speak to find out what their needs are. It will enable you to tailor your pitch to them and make them listen to what you’re saying. Remember that good listeners inspire trust and tend to achieve more that people who focus on themselves. Also, developing great listening skills will help you to connect to new ideas and content. 


Cheaters never prosper

Don’t lie! Be a truthful and decent person. Your reputation as someone who is honest is crucial if you want to persuade more people in the future. Even when you compliment people you should do it sincerely. You might try and compliment them for things they aren’t typically complimented for and they will be positively affected.  


Make a good first impression

It’s a common knowledge that first impressions are very powerful. Dress for the occasion depending on what kind of person you will be trying to persuade. Also, look them in the eye, and not at your notes or computer screen. Let them see the passion coming out of you and transfer your energy to them, to motivate and invigorate them. Connect with them and make them like you. By mirroring others habitual behaviours you can make them feel more comfortable with you and more open to your ideas. On the other hand, if there is any conflict, stay calm and unemotional. People who are in control of their emotions tend to inspire trust that’s why you need to come across as comfortable, confident, relaxed, and engaging.


Make your offer special

We all know that most of us want things because others want them too. If your desire to make someone want what you offer, you have to make this object scarce and unique. At the same time, you need to make people believe that they need this object right now and set expectation. It’s better to promise to deliver less and then over-deliver on another’s expectations than the other way around.


Preparation is the key

Another practical rule of thumb: always be prepared. Meticulous preparation allows for effective persuasion. The more you know about a person you want to persuade, the bigger the odds that they’ll take the action you want them to take. So find out as much as possible about such person to be able to use the right arguments and persuasion techniques. You can resort to their social media profiles and also learn about their industry and the company they are working for.


Believe in what you’re saying

Finish your speech with confidence and authority. There is no quality as compelling and attractive as certainty. When you believe in something and you’re certain that it’s good you will always be able to persuade others to do what’s right for them and, at the same time, benefit from it. The ability to speak effectively will always help you to achieve your goals. Persuation is the art of letting other people have your way but it’s not manipulation. 


By Joanna Borzym  |  Feb 1, 2019