Lee el texto sobre reuniones virtuales y realiza las actividades.


If you work from home or are part of an international team where people are based in different places around the globe you probably often take part in online meetings. On the flip side, if you are new to this world, first you will have to get your head around it. But don’t worry! It only takes to learn how to use video conferencing software so hang in there!


Reuniones virtuales tienes sus ventajas e inconvenientes.


Such meetings are becoming more and more popular due to their numerous advantages. For example, you can work in the comfort of your own home or wherever you are so it’s really convenient, flexible and cost-effective. Your physical presence at the office isn’t necessary.

However, there are some drawbacks too. Imagine that you have a home office and your kids are around. They may often distract your train of thought and when you lose your focus it’s difficult to get back on track.

You might also experience technical problems with an internet connection, camera and speakers or have general trouble joining a video conferencing smoothly. For instance, if a connection cuts out during a virtual meeting, you may miss an important part of it. When a person on the other side is freezing, it’s extremely annoying too because the picture becomes completely still. Another problem is a lag – when someone’s mouth is moving but their voice is behind it. Having a conversation with such delays can be a real pain in the neck. Ah, and don’t forget to wear a headset otherwise there might be an echo!


Tu turno:

1. Deduce significados de las expresiones en negrita a partir del contexto. Usa el diccionario y otros recursos si es necesario.

2. Subraya el vocabulario y las expresiones útiles para hablar sobre reuniones virtuales.

3. Realiza la siguiente actividad de emparejar para asegurarte de haber determinado correctamente el significado de las expresiones nuevas.

4. ¿Qué opinas sobre liderar / participar en reuniones en línea? ¿Cuáles son los pros y los contras?

5. Habla con tu compañero / profesor sobre una reunión virtual a la que has asistido recientemente utilizando las expresiones clave y el vocabulario del texto. Alternativamente, escribe una breve descripción de dicha reunión.


Empareja las expresiones con sus significados:

  1. base in
  2. on the flip side
  3. get your head around (something)
  4. hang in there
  5. in the comfort of your own home
  6. train of thought
  7. get back on track
  8. cut out
  9. freeze
  10. pain in the neck


  1. to stop moving
  2. to disconnect
  3. at home
  4. to continue as planned, usually after a distraction
  5. on the other hand
  6. someone or something that is very annoying
  7. to operate or function from a particular place
  8. to understand something that is challenging or confusing
  9. uninterrupted progression of thinking
  10. to be patient; not to give up


Joanna Borzym | 19 julio, 2020